
The Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) microwave radiometer is a fully polarimetric L-band radiometer flown on the SMAP satellite in a 6 a.m./6 p.m. sun-synchronous orbit at 685-km altitude. Since April 2015, the radiometer has been under calibration and validation to assess the quality of the radiometer L1B data product. Calibration methods, including the SMAP L1B TA2TB [from antenna temperature (TA) to the Earth’s surface brightness temperature (TB)] algorithm and TA forward models, are outlined, and validation approaches for calibration stability/quality are described in this paper, including future work. Results show that the current radiometer L1B data product (version 3) satisfies its requirements (uncertainty <1.3 K and calibration drift <0.4 K/months, and geolocation uncertainty <4 km) although there are biases in TA over cold sky and in TB comparing with the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity TB v620 data products.

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