
Banda Aceh is a city with a high level of seismicity and earthquake risk. The seismicity level is mainly caused by two Sumatran Fault segments, i.e., the Aceh and Seulimeum Segments. Soft alluvium deposits aggravate the earthquake hazard in Banda Aceh. The presence of soft alluvium layers above the more rigid soil layer will cause earthquake wave amplification. This amplification phenomenon can increase the amplitude and energy of earthquake waves, making the earthquake more destructive.Therefore, dynamic response mapping and subsurface structure modeling are required to determine the soil characteristics of the research area. Such information is needed for the infrastructure and planning development of Banda Aceh City. This study obtained the subsurface model from microtremor data and a sequence of processing and modeling techniques. The process uses the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio method (HVSR). The resonance frequency and amplification values are identified from the ratio between the horizontal and vertical spectrum components depicted in the HVSR curves. Based on the obtained results, Banda Aceh has a predominant frequency values range of 0.54-11.72 Hz and an amplification range of 1.22-6.26. Low predominant frequency is mainly located in the study area’s southeast and center, which is associated with large sediment thickness. Meanwhile, high amplification values are mainly located on the study area’s southeast, middle, and northwest sides, which are associated with increased sediment depth and geological features in the form of swamp sediment. Then the value of seismic vulnerability (Kg ) can be obtained based on the predominant frequency and amplification value. In this study, the value of seismic vulnerability ranges between 0.72-31.77 area with relatively high vulnerability values in the middle, southeast, south, and southwest of the study area.

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