
The article examines the heterogeneity of the soil cover of production fields and working areas as one of the most important indicators of productivity and technological properties of land. It is noted that traditional indicators of the quality of land plots do not meet modern requirements for assessing the level of soil fertility and technological properties of the land plot, among which the diversity of the soil cover of the land plot is of great importance. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the applicability of morphometric indicators of soil cover structure, in particular, the soil cover contrast coefficient, to improve the qualitative assessment system, including when conducting an inventory of agricultural land. The study used methods of comparative geographical analysis of the structure of soil cover in key areas - land uses within the Priobsky plateau in the southern part of Western Siberia. We used stock, statistical, and cartographic materials of the IV round of soil survey of lands on the territory of the Kremlevskoye agricultural holding in the Novosibirsk region at a scale of 1:25000, digitized in the MapInfo Professional environment. To calculate the morphometric characteristics of the soil cover and, in particular, the contrast coefficient, the statistical-cartometric method was used. The dependence of the yield of grain crops on a specific land plot on the degree of contrast of soil cover for different agro-ecological groups of lands is shown.In conclusion, the article proposes to expand the list of characteristics used to assess the quality of agricultural lands when conducting their inventory in the system of land management measures.

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