
The weight of the tractor is not the only factor affecting soil compaction. Soil-management practices, such as the use of fertilizers and pesticides, also affect soil properties through an increased number of overriding. The aim of the current study was to investigate compaction effects on soil physical properties, such as dry bulk density and penetration resistance, and the growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a monoculture. The five-year experiment was conducted on the Estonian University of Life Sciences’ research field at Eerika, near Tartu in 2001–2005. The soil of the experimental site is sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol. The treatments included were no compaction, one pass, three passes, and six passes. All passes were track-by-track. Measurements of soil and plant were made in the earing phase of barley and measurements of yield in the maturity phase of barley. The compaction treatment was conducted using an MTZ-82 tractor (total weight 4.84 Mg). Neither fertilizers nor herbicides were used. 5 years after compaction distinguishable subsoil and topsoil compaction was detected. Soil deformation increases with the number of passes; in the case of six passes soil bulk density increased by 0.15 Mg m−3 and penetration resistance by 3 MPa. However, there were no significant differences in the soil bulk density and penetration resistance between treatments compacted with one and three passes. The effect of compaction on soil bulk density was higher when the soil was compacted under wet conditions. Compaction decreased the quantity of barley shoots, their phytomass, and grain yield by more than 80%. In the second year of the experiment the dry weight of above ground biomass decreased by almost three times and shoots’ density by 1.5 times, compared with the first year results. In the third year of the experiment the biomass, plant density, and grain yield of barley were stabilized and no further decreases were detected in the following two experimental years. The results from the experiment revealed that even a low weight tractor can induce subsoil compaction and a high decrease of plant productivity by repeated passes over time.

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