
New attributes (characteristics, requirements) are proposed as an essential part of a software quality model related to green software. It consists of two main attributes, namely resource (energy) saving and sustainability. Evolution of software quality models is analyzed in context of greenness and reliability. In particular, well known software quality models beginning from on the first McCall’s model (1977) to models described in standards ISO/IEC9126 (2001) and ISO/IEC25010 (2010) are analyzed according to green and reliability issues. Comparison of the software quality models is carried out using a special metrics of complexity and technique considering the number of levels and attributes and their semantics. Prediction of complexity for the next software quality model (2020) is fulfilled and variants of green software attributes inclusion in model are proposed. Metrics for assessment of reliability, green related and other quality attributes are analyzed considering the standards ISO/IEC25023 and ISO/IEC9126. Results of comparing metric sets of for these standards are described.

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