
The issues of environmental impact of high-voltage transmission lines are becoming relevant in connection with the development of electrical networks of high voltage 110, 220, 330 kV, extra-high voltage (EHV) 500-750 kV and ultra-high voltage 1150 kV. The harmful effect of electric and magnetic fields on living organisms and, first of all, on humans, manifests itself only at very high voltages in the wires of the overhead line (OH) phases, and is dangerous when working under voltage. The direct influence of the electromagnetic field of lines on a person is associated with an effect on the cardiovascular, central nervous systems and other organs. The harmful effects of a person's stay in a strong electric field depend on the strength of the field and on the duration of its exposure. Software has been developed for modeling electromagnetic compatibility, characteristics of power losses to the corona from the voltage impact on the environment. The results of simulation of corona losses are presented on the example of a 500 kV overhead line, electric field voltage and active energy losses due to radio interference. Keywords: environmental impact, overhead power lines, electric field strength, corona losses, radio interference, acoustic noise, electromagnetic compatibility

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