
Generally speaking, hard power refers to the coercion and payment through military and economic means, while soft power refers to attraction through cultural diplomacy. This paper aims to analyze how Chinese state policies are being influenced by soft power strategy of government. Further the paper focuses on four areas such as health, culture, Human Rights and Information and technology to analyze Chinese governments soft power strategy globally.The paper confines the concept of the soft powerwhich has followed four consecutive sections analyzing Chinese soft power strategies in 21st century based on government initiative during the spread of COVID 19, usage and policiesregarding television shows and movies, consideration of Human Rights and last of all strategies in controlling of Information and communication technology. The paper concludes discussing some strengths and shortcomings of Chinas soft power and suggests measures that can be taken to improve Chinas soft power practice while West has disclosed the idea of sharp power contesting Chinas authoritarian attitude towards freedom of expression and human rights as well.

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