
Despite the wide range of drugs for topical use and methods of their application, the search for optimal therapy for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal diseases continues at the present time. Numerous attempts are being made to find pharmacologically active agents capable of influencing various components of the healing process. In domestic medicine, the use of soft dosage forms with anti-inflammatory action and high penetrating activity in relation to medicinal substances is of great interest. Soft dosage forms, such as ointments, gels, and pastes, are optimal for combining components that are different in chemical nature, aggregate states, purposes, and biological activity. The drug Tizol, which appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the early 90s of the last century, currently remains in demand in medicine and pharmacy. As a metal сomplex compound, it has antiinflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Titanium glycerosolvate aquacomplex significantly reduces the degree of swelling and exhibits pronounced antiinflammatory activity. It has been established that Tizol forms stable gels with medicinal substances that are included in it. This property helps to increase the bioavailability of medicinal substances due to transcutaneous action. In modern dentistry, treatment methods that have a pronounced therapeutic effect with a minimum of side effects are of great interest. One of these methods is phytotherapy. Herbal medicines have a mild therapeutic effect and low toxicity, and can be used for a long time. Promising raw materials for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity are herbs, rhizomes, and roots of the anomalous peony (Paeonia anomala). Medicines based on this plant have a variety of pharmacological effects. Thus, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antioxidant activity was established. A promising direction in pharmacy is the development of a dental gel based on a combination of medicinal plant raw materials and a component that promotes the penetration of active substances into tissues.

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