
Aim: To evaluate the sorption, solubility and color change in two lining materials after 120 days of immersion in either sodium perborate or artificial saliva. Methods: Thirty disk-shaped specimens (15×3 mm) of each material, Mucopren(r) soft (MS) and Elite(r) soft (ES) were manufactured and divided into two groups. The specimens in the control group (CG, n=15) were stored in artificial saliva at 37 °C. The specimens in the experimental group (EG, n=15) were stored in artificial saliva at 37 °C and immersed in sodium perborate daily for 5 min. The analysis of sorption and solubility was based on the initial dry weight and on the wet and dry weights after immersion. The color was assessed with a portable spectrophotometer and the NBS system. ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05) were used to analyze color and sorption. The solubility was analyzed by KruskalWallis test (p<0.05). Results: Sorption was higher in the EG group (0.31±0.08) than in the control group (0.26±0.05), and higher in Elite(r) soft relining (0.34±0.07) than in Mucopren(r) soft (0.23±0.06). There was no interaction between the factors. Elite(r) Soft presented a higher solubility when immersed in artificial saliva (CG: 0.16±0.07 and EG: 0.13±0.06; p=0.00). Mucopren(r) soft showed no solubility in either treatment. Regarding the color changes, there was a significant difference between the groups (CG: 9.2±1.2 and EG: 9.9±1.2; p=0.025) but not between the materials (Mucopren(r) soft: 9.4±1.3 and Elite(r)soft: 9.7±1.0; p=0.34). Using the NBS system, we verified that both materials presented a high color change. Conclusions: The daily use of sodium perborate promoted changes in the liners' sorption and color. Elite(r) soft relining was more prone to changes than Mucopren(r) soft.

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