
Socrates states that man knows well what ‘agathon’ and ‘arete’ are but because this knowing is based on ignorance, only through dialogue of these empty knowledge can ‘logos’ bring true understanding. This argument seeks the reason behind matter within ‘psyche’, the principle of life, through a prescribed language. Here, logic is inferred through the insight of logos and true knowing or ‘episteme’ of ‘agathon’ and ‘arete’ is achieved. Moreover, Socrates suggests logos as a therapy for a healthy soul as it enlightens oneself from ignorance to knowing, hence pursuing to take care of the soul. Buddha refutes any kind of absolutism or a divine creator and regards it as a product of a fabricated fiction. Only the truth, which is the ‘Paticcasamutpada’, should be believed. Furthermore, the wisdom enlightened by Buddha is the essence of a clear mind which does not obsess or distinguish. The suffering of man does not come without reason. To eradicate this reason is to vanish suffering. As well, knowing this reason and eliminating suffering is being enlightened with wisdom.

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