
Deviant behavior of a teenager is the result of a complex interaction of various factors. The socio-psychological study of the new digital generation is one of the most relevant topics both in modern science and practice. The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological characteristics, emotional state and suicidal risk of adolescents in the context of the digitalization of society. Research methods included clinical conversation, Questionnaire of suicide risk, Pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire (PDO) for adolescents based on the classifi cation of character accentuations by A.E. Lichko (), Suicidal risk questionnaire by A.G. Shmelev, modifi ed by T.N. Razuvaeva (), the Method of diagnosing socio-psychological adaptation of K. Rogers and R. Diamond in the adaptation of A.K. Osnitsky (), test “Family sociogram”, correlation and regression analysis of suicidal risk factors. The study involved  adolescents from secondary school No.  in Samara, aged  to  years ( boys and  girls). All  surveyed adolescents actively use available online resources as sources of educational and entertaining content, and online communication platforms. Reliably signifi cant psychological factors of suicidal risk in adolescents in the context of digital socialization have been established, such as: affectivity, failure, social pessimism, breaking down cultural barriers, maximalism, negative time perspective, labile, psychasthenic and sensitive types of accentuations, dysfunctional family relationships. Based on the data obtained, a mathematical regression model for predicting suicidal risk was developed, which included signifi cant psychological factors: IP) - (. * A) + (. * NVS), where D - demonstrativeness, SP - social pessimism, M - maximalism, C - sensitive type of accentuation, IP - a tendency to true suicide, A - adaptation, NVS - violations of relationships in family. Thus, the behavior of adolescents is the result of a complex interaction of socio-psychological factors, in the development of which digital socialization plays a signifi cant role. We have concluded that digital socialization today, on the one hand, helps the process of personality formation, its adaptation and integration in society, and on the other hand, there is the emergence of new risks in the online environment: content, communication, consumer. The high reliability of the forecast in the model of the suicidal risk formation was established, which is %. Early detection of suicidal risk in modern adolescents of the new digital generation makes it possible to carry out timely prevention of suicidal behavior.

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