
The 19th century is inhabited by the demon of the game. Games were the subject of press articles and technical works (treatises, reviews, manuals) were dedicated to them. Literature was not left out either, whether in France or in the rest of Europe. In this article, we propose to make our contribution to the sociopoetic analysis of the game and the toy through the study of the specific case of the literary representation of the card game in two short stories: "La Dame de pique" ("Пиковая дама", 1834) by Alexander Pushkin, and "Le Dessous de cartes d’une partie de whist" (1850) by Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly. Apart from their generic affiliation and their link with the world of playing cards (explicit from the title), the two short stories are similar in terms of the core of their plot (a murder against the background of a card game) but also in terms of the supernatural features that are scattered throughout them.

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