
The article "Socio-political factors of the military conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic" examines the main factors influencing the conflict in Syria. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data and the results of a survey conducted in Syria. The article shows that the military conflict in Syria is caused by political instability, economic problems and disagreements between various political groups. In addition, ethical and religious differences and the influence of external forces on the situation in the country are also important factors in the conflict. The findings of the study emphasize the need to continue work to resolve the conflict in Syria through political dialogue and peaceful negotiations between the parties, as well as creating conditions for political stability, justice and economic well-being for all segments of the population. The military conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has many causes and factors that interact with each other and strengthen the situation in the country. Political instability and divisions between different political groups, the presence of economic problems and injustices, ethical and religious differences and the influence of external forces on the situation in the country - all these factors contribute to the aggravation of the conflict. However, despite the complexity of the situation in Syria, there are chances to resolve the conflict through political dialogue and peaceful negotiations between the parties. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the roots of the conflict, to ensure political stability, justice and economic well-being for all segments of the population. Thus, it is important to continue research on the socio-political factors of the military conflict in Syria and work on creating conditions for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, which will ensure the security and well-being of the inhabitants of this country.

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