
Imploring a Foucault cognizance to comprehending graft in Sierra Leone furnishes fascinating sociological inquiry of how primacy is at the mecca of this social curiosity. In Sierra Leone graft has dawned as the significant risk to impoverished folk’s subsistence as it influences social domains of people. This sociological inquiry accommodates a refined discourse of how graft is fundamentally a snag of primacy. It utilizes commonplace social case constructions of existence in Sierra Leone to emphasize the commonness of primacy in the social discourse of graft. The sociological inquiry accommodates a social substructure for the evolution of the sociology of graft in Sierra Leone by debriefing how graft and primacy are presently devised as personal exploits without comprehending the expansive nexus of primacy and consequently it affects admittance and snub. The sociological inquiry argues that dislodging graft political leaders or bureaucrats is not adequate to liquidate destitution nonetheless what is essential is a rudimentary transformation of the connections of primacy deployed on asymmetrical or unfair social structures.

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