
iN NVESTIGATION of the development of sociology in Roumania 4 indicates two characteristics: that social science there has grown, in > Xits research and influence on certain aspects of the national life, to the point nowhere else attained in the countries of southeastern Europe; and secondly, in spite of its advancement we know very little of its contributions, because for some reason or other, it is extremely difficult to secure (in the true Roumanian fashion) concrete information on its various phases even by a personal visit, not to speak of correspondence. best known Roumanian sociologist is Dr. Demetrius Gusti (born i88o), graduate of the Universities of Paris, Berlin, and Leipzig (doctorate I904). In i9io he was appointed Professor of Ethics and History of Ancient Philosophy (to which was also added the chair of Sociology) in the faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Iaai. In i9i8 he was elected Dean of this Faculty and re-elected in I920. But on the first of November of that year he was transferred to the faculty of Letters and Philosophy in the University of Bucharest to fill the chair of Sociology, Ethics, Politics, and Esthetics. His influence on public life began in i9i8, when he founded The Association of Science and Social Reform, which became Roumanian Social Institute in i92i, and of which he is president. In I922 he became director of Adult Education Foundation, founded by Prince (today King) Carol of Roumania. In i929 he was appointed President of the Administrative Council, President of the Administration of State Monopolies, President of the Administration of the Society for Radio-diffusion, and President of the Superior Council of Co-operatives. In I932, I933, and I934, he was a member of the Government as Minister of Public Instruction and a Senator. Since I934 he has been director of the Royal Carol Foundation.' In I935 Gusti completed twenty-five years of his sociological work. These years are also the years of sociological teaching and investigation in Roumania. Roumanian Social Institute published for that occasion a special issue of its yearbook in honor of its founder and president, which contains contributions of several well-known European sociologists, and of several American scholars.2 Herein we find several good summaries of Gusti's main

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