
PART ONE: SOCIOLOGY'S EFFECTS ON AMERICA The Influences of Sociological Ideas on American Culture - Dennis H Wrong Sociology's Critical Irony - Joseph R Gusfield Countering American Individualism PART TWO: AMERICA'S EFFECTS ON SOCIOLOGY External Influences on Sociology - Neil J Smelser The Curious Importance of Small Groups in American Sociology - Allan Silver PART THREE: SOCIOLOGY AND AMERICAN PUBLIC POLICY Witnesses, Engineers or Story Tellers - Peter Marris The Influence of Social Research on Social Policy Sociology and Nuclear War - William A Gamson PART FOUR: SOCIOLOGY AND CRITICAL AMERICAN ISSUES Sociological Foundations of the Civil Rights Movement - Charles U Smith and Lewis M Killian Defining The Underclass - Robert Aponte A Critical Look Political Dimensions of Underclass Conceptualizations - Walter W Stafford and Joyce Ladner The Wrong Stuff - Robert W Connell Reflections on the Place of Gender in American Sociology PART FIVE: SOCIOLOGY AND ITS CONSITIUENCIES and - Paul J Baker The Cultural Contradictions of Teaching Sociology - William C Rau Organizations and Sociology - Marshall W Meyer PART SIX: SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL CRITICISM The Virtues of Dissent in Sociology - Lewis A Coser Sociology for Whom? - Todd Gitlin Criticism for Whom? Social Criticism and Sociological Elitism - Joan Moore Born Again Sociology - Peter H Rossi PART SEVEN: FOREIGN SOCIOLOGISTS LOOK AT US SOCIOLOGY American Sociology Viewed from Abroad - Alain Touraine General Theory and American Sociology - Niklas Luhmann Notes on American Sociology and American Power - Robert W Connell PART EIGHT: SOCIOLOGY AND THE OTHER SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology and History - Jack A Goldstone Producing Comparative History Sociology, Economics and the Economy - Harvey Molotch

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