
Sociological thought, dispersed among the various schools, has been absorbed in an effort to define its point of view and describe the sort of facts that may properly be called "sociological." At present it is seeking in some fashion to become an experimental science and to test its theories by facts. Sociological problems may be classified as, (a) problems, of organization and administration, (b) problems of policy and polity, legislative problems, (c) problems of human nature, cultural problems. Fundamental problems are cultural, problems of social forces. Social problems. All social problems turn out upon analysis to be problems of social groups. Problems can therefore be further classified with reference to the existing types of social groups. Personality. The individal. The individual, so far as he is to be regarded as a person, is a product of group life and must be studied in connection with the social group or groups of which he is a member and within which he has status. Problems of personality, so far as they are social problems in the narrower sense, are problems of status.

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