
<div><p><em>Women in India are approximately about out half of the population, they have been the weakest of the weaker sections which have been the most exploited in every field and in all sectors .Women in have been the most abused and have been undergone a various types of hardships in their everyday life. Even though the government of India have been implemented some of policies implemented as their social security not many of them have come to reality. The women domestic workers in India are the unorganized group who strived to make their living without any life security and are in the vital situations in their social life. Over the last few years, studies on domestic life security in India have noted the increase in the numbers of migrant female domestic workers in the cities. They have also observed that domestic work is highly informal in its organization and tinted the vulnerabilities of domestic workers who belong to the poorer and uneducated sections of society. These studies also note that women from <strong>marginalized castes</strong> form a substantive group of domestic workers (Kaur 2006; Neetha 2004 and 2008). Domestic workers form a significant part of this informal economy which is unorganised. Despite the fact, domestic workers, constitute a crushing 90% of this unorganized labor force in India, they have always been <strong>marginalized</strong> as the unorganised sector. Whether they work part time, full day or as live in workers, they are forced to put up with various indignities, in the privacy of the households they work in. This part of my paper constitutes the study of Domestic workers in the Bangalore city is significant aspect due to its urban development process and women domestic have found to be the most wanted. Domestic workers, an estimated <strong>4 lakhs</strong> in <strong>Bangalore City</strong> work under illogical rules, are largely unskilled and illiterate. For years, women have been doing the drudgery of washing, cleaning, cooking and all menial tasks in other households for their own survival. Long hours of work, years of toil often with no living wage, no rest or recreation, sexual harassment, abuse of their dignity, untouchability, often treated callously are the story of their lives. The conditions of lakhs of child women domestic workers, the 24 hours live in workers, are even more exploitative and obnoxious. There have been many cases of rape and murder, horror tales of children being beaten, locked in bathrooms, bitten and burnt by employers. In my paper I have highlight some of the vital incidents where women have been facing and also the government policies and programmes and polices in the women empowerment in the social sector.</em></p></div>

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