
The sociological research becomes an important source of information providing knowledge for the social-policy advice, which should terminate the ignorance of social dimensions in crime prevention. This essay, therefore, attempts to examine, what sociological perspectives in criminology offer for the “new science of crime prevention”. It will demonstrate the development of sociological thought in criminology from traditional to modern argumentation emphasizing the significance of theoretical approaches to the rebirth of “the social” in crime prevention.


  • Sociologiniø teorijø pliuralizmas kriminologijoje rodo, kad svarbu nusikalstamumà apibrëþti

  • This essay, attempts to examine, what sociological perspectives in criminology offer for the “new science of crime prevention”. It will demonstrate the development of sociological thought in criminology from traditional to modern argumentation emphasizing the significance of theoretical approaches to the rebirth of “the social” in crime prevention

  • A variety of sociological explanations in criminology addressed above introduces a broad context for crime prevention

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Eglë Havrdova

Sociological Implications in Crime Prevention: Narrowing the Gap between Theory and Practice (Sociologiniai nusikaltimø prevencijos padariniai: maþinant atotrûká tarp teorijos ir praktikos). Nusikalstamumo kontrolës teorijos ir praktikos ðalininkai daþnai kritikuoja socialinës prevencijos metodus dël jø neapibrëþtumo ir nepraktiðkumo. Þymiausias kontrolës teorijø atstovas Hirshi teigia, jog, kalbant apie nusikalstamumo kontrolæ, svarbiausia atsakyti á klausimà, kodël kai kurie individai nenusikalsta? Ieðkanèiø koreliacijos tarp teorijos ir praktikos, teigia, kad nusikalstamumo prevencijos strategijos kûrëjai turëtø atsiþvelgti á teoriniø teiginiø ávairovæ. The “new science of crime prevention” has turned to advocate social prevention stressing the inevitability of sociological research in crime control policy design. This advocacy is based on the assumption, that emergence of criminal behavior should be studied in advance illuminating its key characteristics and prescribing preventive initiatives adequate for these features in concrete situation and for a specified target group. It will demonstrate the development of sociological thought in criminology from traditional to modern argumentation emphasizing the significance of theoretical approaches to the rebirth of “the social” in crime prevention

On Definitions
The Traditional Sociology of Crime
The Origins of Sociological Criminology
Routine Activity
Social Control as Preventive Intervention
Narrowing the Gap between Theory and Practice
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