
The author first discusses the overall unity of the total normative regulation, from which it is separated in the late Roman empire the right, but only in the new century and the morale. There are analyzed the relationship between the moral and ethical reflection and Weber's distinction between pure ethics will (Gesinnungsethik) and ethics of responsibility (Verantwortungsethik). The morale is determined by the good as the highest value, as a specific form of social norms but also as a kind of human behavior. These three definitions can be combined in an integrative approach. There are examined the dimensions of moral statements, subjective and objective side of morality, as well as the difference between morale and morality. A general notion of morale can not be defined in substantive but only in formal way . The formal definition is a constituent of general as well as of sociological concept of morale and it is related to morality as a social phenomenon. Its essence is to define the morale by specific norms, the characteristics of the internal and external mandatory (with the pricks of conscience as the most distinctive moral sanction and control exercised by the formal not institutionalized or diffuse society ), and in consideration of morality as a social process (actions of people associated moral norms ). The basic types of social moral process - being, education, functioning and changing of morale are described. There are briefly analyzed the influence of society to the morale and social function of morale, with special emphasis on the relationship between law and morale.


  • The author first discusses the overall unity of the total normative regulation, from which it is separated in the late Roman empire the right, but only in the new century and the morale

  • The morale is determined by the good as the highest value, as a specific form of social norms and as a kind of human behavior. These three definitions can be combined in an integrative approach

  • There are examined the dimensions of moral statements, subjective and objective side of morality, as well as the difference between morale and morality

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Морал се одређује помоћу доброг као врховне вредности, као особена врста друштвених норми али и као врста људског понашања. Кључне речи: нормативна регулација, морална и етичка рефлексија, етика одговорности, моралност, моралне вредности, норме и понашања, интегративни приступ, општи и социолошки појам морала, морал као друштвена појава и процес, морал и друштво, морал и право.

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