
Abstract Background Health inequalities as a global problem concerns both developed and developing countries. However, levels of inequalities are not the same in different age groups, e.g., during adolescence there are fewer inequalities in morbidity and mortality, while they are more likely to appear in health behaviors. This study aims to test inequality (gender, parental education, and family affluence) in students' health behaviors (dietary habits, hygienic behavior and smoking). Methods Using a sample of students (N = 2741, aged 13 - 18 years) from public and private schools in Irbid governorate, Jordan, in the year of 2020, measurements included SES indicators), the Global School-based Student Health Survey and health behaviors (tobacco use, personal hygiene, dietary behavior). Results There was a relationship between paternal education and not having enough food at home (p = 0.000), adolescents' brushing their teeth (p = 0.000), eating fruits (p = 0.000), drinking milk (p = 0.000), having fast food (p = 0.000). Results were similar with maternal education, in addition, it was also related to eating vegetables (p = 0.027) and washing their hands before eating (p = 0.005). Smoking was also associated with maternal education (p = 0.009). In terms of family affluence, significant associations can be found between the student's health behavior variables and the self-assessed financial situation in all cases. Finally, females engaged in more healthy dietary and hygienic behaviors and less smoking, while males were more physically active. Conclusions Our findings give important evidence for the association between socioeconomic inequalities and health behaviors among Jordanian adolescents. The strongest associations were found with family affluence, while parents' education may have different roles in various types of health behaviors. These findings strengthen the need for policymakers and researchers to pay greater attention to these inequalities. Key messages In Jordan, health care should face many challenges in terms of inequalities between different groups of the population according to socioeconomic status. Adolescence is a critical life period when besides biological modifications, there are also psychosocial changes which needs severe adjustment.

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