
This study aimed to unravel the factors that may be contributing to the declining aquaculture output in Kenya. The project obtained data using a semi-structured questionnaire, expert interviews and observations in Bomet, Kericho and Nakuru counties of Kenya. Eighteen farms, rearing Nile tilapia by semi-intensive method, with fifteen using on-farm formulated feeds, were purposively selected. Three of them, one per County, and all using commercial feed, served as the control. The study investigated on-farm feed formulation practices, ingredient and feed storage methods, production costs and training service provision. Nakuru County recorded the highest cost per gram of protein, while Bomet County recorded the lowest unit cost (p<0.05). Fifty five percent of farmers used the Pearson Square Method for fish feed formulation, with most of them being from Nakuru County and the least coming from Kericho County. Sixty percent of participating farmers were appropriately trained. The study recommends that the State Department of Fisheries and Blue Economy and Counties make aquaculture a major operational and results area. Additionally, credit to farmers and subsidy of cost of inputs should be provided alongside appropriate extension services.

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