
This study aims to analyze: 1) characteristics of trips generated by Jambi residents both for tourism purposes or other purposes; 2) characteristics of Jambi residents going on a tourism trip; 3) Socio-economic factors affecting tourism trips generated by Jambi residents. Data was taken from raw data provided in the result of Indonesian National Social Economic Survey (SUSENAS) for Jambi Province 2015. Descriptive research method was used to analyze the characteristics of trips by Jambi residents and of the tourists. Binary logistic regression model was used to analyze factors affecting tourism trips generated by residents. The study found: 1) Number of trips generated by Jambi residents are still relatively low. Only 14.4 percent of the total population has traveled within the last six months; 2) Besides the low number of trips, tourism activities are still relatively limited. Only 17.79 percent of population go on a tourism trip; 3) Tourist attractions in Jambi Province itself are the most common tourism destinations for Jambi residents, then followed by tourist attractions in South Sumatra, West Sumatra and Bengkulu; 4) Tourism trips generated by residents are mostly family trips, so they are relatively dominated by children and parents; 5) Socio-economic factors that significantly influence residents to go on a tourism trip are age, education, and family status. In addition, there is a probability difference of tourism trips by residents of the city and of the regency in Jambi Province. Key words: tourism attraction, family trip, tourism tripAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) karakteristik perjalanan penduduk di Provinsi Jambi baik untuk tujuan wisata maupun tujuan lainnya; 2) karakteristik penduduk yang melakukan perjalanan wisata di Provinsi Jambi; 3) Faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi perjalanan wisata penduduk di Provinsi Jambi. Data bersumber dari “raw data” SUSENAS Tahun 2015 Provinsi Jambi. Untuk menganalisis karakteristik perjalanan penduduk, dan karakteristik individu wisatawan dilakukan secara deskriptif. Untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perjalanan wisata penduduk digunakan model regresi binary logistik. Hasil penelitian menemukan: 1). Aktivitas perjalanan penduduk di Provinsi Jambi masih relatif rendah. Hanya 14,14 persen dari total penduduk yang pernah melakukan perjalanan dalam enam bulan terakhir; 2) Selain rendahnya aktivitas perjalanan tersebut, aktivitas perjalanan untuk wisata juga masih relatif terbatas. Hanya 17,79 persen total penduduk yang melakukan perjalanan untuk berwisata; 3) Objek tujuan wisata penduduk Provinsi Jambi didominasi objek wisata yang ada di Provinsi Jambi sendiri, selain objek wisata yang ada di provinsi-provinsi berdekatan yaitu Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Barat dan Bengkulu; 4). Perjalanan wisata penduduk didominasi oleh perjalanan wisata keluarga, sehingga relatif didominasi oleh anak-anak dan orang tua; 5) Faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap perjalanan wisata penduduk adalah umur, pendidikan dan status dalam keluarga. 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  • Tourism is one of the sectors that the government relies on to gain foreign exchange from non-oil revenues

  • Based on the explanation above, this study aims to analyze: 1) characteristics of trips by Jambi residents both for tourism purposes or other purposes; 2) characteristics of Jambi residents who go on a tourism trip; 3) Socio-economic factors affecting tourism trips generated by Jambi residents

  • Frequency of trips generated by Jambi residents The pattern of trips generated by residents in this study was analyzed from the results of National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) for Jambi Province 2015

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Tourism is one of the sectors that the government relies on to gain foreign exchange from non-oil revenues. Tourism is as the source of foreign exchange earnings. It is creating more jobs, expanding economic opportunity, increasing total income in society and government revenue, encouraging the preservation of the environment and national culture, strengthening the unity of the nation, and so forth. There are various theories to explain tourism from experts in this field. Gamal (1997) explained that tourism is a process of temporary departure of someone to another place other than his/her place of residence. There are various interests that could be travel motivations Those interests are economic interest, social interest, cultural interest, political interest, religious interest, health/medical interest, and other interest. Freuler on Irawan (2010) defined tourism as a phenomenon unique to modern time which is dependent on the people’s increasing need for a change and relaxing, the wish of recognizing the beauties of nature and art and the belief that nature gives happiness to human beings and which helps nations and communities’ approaching to each other thanks to the developments in commerce and industry and the communication and transportation tools’ becoming excellent

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