
The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and its relationship with socioeconomic deprivation status (SEDS). The hypothesis was that ATR occurs more frequently in socioeconomically deprived patients. Secondary aims were to determine variations in circumstances of injury between more and less deprived patients. A 6-year retrospective review of consecutive patients presenting with ATR was undertaken. The health-board population was defined using governmental population data and SEDS was defined using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. The primary outcome was an epidemiological description and comparison of incidence in more and less deprived cohorts. Secondary outcomes included reporting of the relationship between SEDS and patient and injury characteristics with univariate and binary logistic regression analyses. There were 783 patients (567 male; 216 female) with ATR. Mean incidence for adults (≥ 18years) was 18.75/100,000 per year (range 16.56-23.57) and for all ages was 15.26/100,000 per year (range 13.51 to 19.07). Incidence in the least deprived population quintiles (4th and 5th quintiles; 18.07 per 100,000/year) was higher than that in the most deprived quintiles (1st and 2nd; 11.32/100,000 per year; OR 1.60, 95%CI 1.35-1.89; p < 0.001). When adjusting for confounding factors, least deprived patients were more likely to be > 50years old (OR 1.97; 95%CI 1.24-3.12; p = 0.004), to sustain ATR playing sports (OR 1.72, 95%CI 1.11-2.67; p = 0.02) and in the spring (OR 1.65, 95%CI 1.01-2.70; p = 0.045) and to give a history of preceding tendinitis (OR 4.04, 95%CI 1.49-10.95; p = 0.006). They were less likely to sustain low-energy injuries (OR 0.44, 95%CI 0.23-0.87; p = 0.02) and to be obese (OR 0.25-0.41, 95%CI 0.07-0.90; p ≤ 0.03). The incidence of ATR was higher in less socioeconomically deprived populations and the hypothesis was therefore rejected. Significant variations in patient and predisposing factors, mechanisms of injury and seasonality were demonstrated between most and least deprived groups, suggesting that circumstances and nature of ATR may vary with SEDS and these are not a homogenous group of injuries. Prognostic Study Level III.

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