
Aim: Nowadays, drug addiction is a common social disease in all societies of the world. This study’s main objective is to explore the socio-cultural, psychological, and family aspects of drug addiction and examine drug addiction’s effects on the user’s health, family, and social impact.Method: This study is qualitative in nature, where data have been collected from primary and secondary source. For collecting primary data, a survey has been conducted at Chattogram and Noakhali district of Bangladesh. 136 drug-addicted person aged between were selected. A structured questionnaire was supplied among respondents. Secondary data have been collected from various national and international journals, books and newspaper writing.Findings: The results of the study show that about 65.45% of the total drug-addicted people in Bangladesh are being addicted to drugs due to various social and cultural causes, whereas 25% of people are being addicted to drugs due to psychological causes, 8.08% people are being addicted to drugs due to various family problems and 1.47% related to other matters. The findings also show that drug abuse has negative effects on the user’s body and mind. It impairs memory and reduces working capacity. Drug addiction has a potential threat to the life of the addicted person.Implications/Novel Contribution: Prevention of drug addiction has already become a great challenge for almost all nations. This study’s core implication is that it will play an important role in reducing drug addiction in Bangladesh. It will provide awareness to the drug-addicted adolescents and their guardian regarding the impact of drug addiction. This study also provides a new avenue for scholars to contribute their knowledge and wisdom to eliminate drug addiction by further adding more research regarding drug addiction and its impact.

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