
The revelance of sociobiology to psychiatry is examined through a consideration of the theories of kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Predictions developed from these theories are compared with currently available mental-health statistics. The theory of kin selection is used to predict a positive correlation between mental health and the existence of an active kin-support system. Similarly, the theory of reciprocal altruism is used to predict a positive correlation between mental health and the existence of an active friend-support system. The findings tend to support both sets of predictions in that individuals with access to kin-support and/or friend-support systems are less likely to be hospitalized with psychiatric disorders than are individuals without access to such systems. Sociobiology may be useful to psychiatry in that in some cases it provides: a) a new focus on the adaptive functions of human behavior which may serve to aid the psychiatrist in evaluating individual problems; b) functional predictions which may help to identify segments of the population which are more at risk for psychiatric disorders than others, thereby providing guidelines for preventive psychiatry; and c) direction for research into unexplored aspects of human social relationships and their relevance to psychiatric disorders.

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