
Introduction. The study examines the psychological, academic, social and cultural adaptation of indigenous students to a vocational school environment with a focus on representatives of indigenous peoples from the North, Siberia and the Far East. The purpose of the research is to model the processes of students’ socio-psychological adaptation to vocational college in a new socio-cultural environment. Materials and Methods. The systematic scholarly literature review was conducted in 2022 using the following search engines and electronic bibliographic databases: Google Scholar, Scopus, RSCI, and ERIC. The analysis included Russian and English language articles published between 2000 and 2022 reporting the results of the original empirical research on the problem of student adjustment to college in a changing socio-cultural environment. Of the 975 articles selected for systematic analysis, 68 sources met the search criteria. Results. A systematic literature review enabled us to identify two groups of social psychological resources for student adaptation to college in the new sociocultural environment: individual resources (individual psychological and academic) and environmental resources (including educational environment within the college and system of interpersonal relations). Based on the results of the systematic review, a theoretical model of the socio-psychological adjustment of the students (representatives of indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East) to the vocational education institution in the new socio-cultural environment, which describes the procedural and structural elements of the adjustment process, as well as the interplay of personal, meso- and macro-environmental adaptation resources is proposed. Conclusions. The theoretical adaptation model of Students from Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia students, created on the basis of a systematic analysis of the literature, makes it possible to develop on its basis the technology for assessing the adaptation resources of the students of the CIS and DV and the measures of psychological, educational and social support for students belonging to the risk group, to the development of programs to prevent academic mismatch and student dropout. The prospects of the study include empirical verification of the proposed model.

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