
 The difference in the determination of the beginning of the Islamic month in Indonesia is not only related to differences in methods, but also related to Ulil Amri who has authority in that regard. This needs to be studied because in general Ulil Amri is understood as the holder of power, state or government. So that when there is something different from the results of the government's determination, it is considered to violate the orders of Ulil Amri. This article aims to explore the concept of Ulil Amri from several communities and organizations of Muslims in Indonesia and the background of the concept formed. Data collection was carried out by literature studies both related to the concept of Ulil Amri according to classical scholars and the concept of Ulil Amri according to several communities and organizations of Muslims in Indonesia. This study shows that the concept of Ulil Amri owned by Muslims in Indonesia comes from classical fiqh literature that refers to the government (hukkam) and ulama. The variety of Ulil Amri owned by Muslims in Indonesia also refers to these two concepts. However, there are other variants that are the development of both concepts such as Murshid Tariqah (Sufi Master) and the head of the Jamaat. The Ulil Amri type variant in Indonesia was formed due to social, religious and political backgrounds. In addition, the similarity of the methods and criteria used by the Muslim community with those used by the government also influenced the difference in the concept of Ulil Amri.

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