
The article analyzes the experience of socio-educational work with student youth in the conditions of distance learning caused by martial law. Areas of extracurricular activities of student youth are singled out: measures to provide psychological first aid to all participants of the educational process, as well as providing psychological support to overcome the traumatic effects of the war; creation of conditions for the acquisition of “soft skills” by the acquirers of social skills; the existence of a system of recognition of learning results obtained in non-formal education; project activity, as a teaching method, educational technology, and a form of extracurricular work with student youth; measures for the integration and participation of young people in public life with the use of digital tools; volunteer activity; national and patriotic education; research activity; conducting competitions with a patriotic theme. Students from vulnerable categories of the population need special attention: orphan students, students with disabilities, students from low-income families, single-parent families, etc. Separate categories of students who need additional attention are those who, because of military operations, were forced to move abroad with their families. This category makes up more than 10% of the total contingent. Among the prospects is the need for distance support for students due to displacement, as well as the development of programs for their adaptation after returning home. It is advisable to introduce educational components on media literacy and conflict management into educational programs.
 Keywords: distance learning; student youth; soft skills; non-formal education; project activity; volunteer activity; national and patriotic education.

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