
Based on the data of the author's comparative sociological study conducted in 2019 in 4 countries (Russia, Poland, Italy, Germany), the author describes the life strategies of young people in the context of the current socio-economic situation and modern social policy. Young people were asked questions about the significance for them of various areas of their lives, about their self-identification and social well-being now and in the future for 10-15 years, their vision of the country's development and about how and what kind of future they plan for themselves. The author shows that the level of social optimism of young citizens in 4 countries is associated with both objective indicators of social well-being and subjective ideas about their place on the social ladder. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of planning horizons and prospects for their economic well-being, career growth, civic activity in connection with the possible future of the country. There is an acute sensitivity of young people in comparison with other demographic and social groups to events taking place in society. The study of changes in youth assessments of their place in society, existing prospects, the structure of values makes it possible to trace the direction and speed of changes that are now taking place in the public consciousness. And also, to identify key values for society, not only transmitted from generation to generation, serving as a kind socio-cultural basis and national marker, but also changing, especially in the context of globalization and global transformation. As a result, this makes it possible to present the image of the future as it is seen by the current generation of young people.

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