
The association of socioeconomic status (SES) with modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is unclear in developing nations. We studied SES variations in major risk factors and their percentage distribution for adults aged 45 years or above in India. Using individual records of 59,672 individuals aged 45 years or above from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India Wave 1 (cross-sectional study design), 2017–18, we chart age-and-sex-adjusted prevalence of clinical risk factors such as measured high blood pressure, hypertension, overweight, obesity, central adiposity and self-reported high blood glucose; and lifestyle risk factors such as excessive use of alcohol, current use of smoking and smokeless tobacco and physical inactivity across SES variables of education, quintiles of mean per capita expenditure and social caste. Multivariable analysis was used to explore the SES gradient of risk factors. The sample used in the study is predominantly rural (69.9%), illiterate (50.7%), has more females (54.2%), and belongs to other backward classes (45.6%). Prevalence of high blood pressure, overweight, obesity, central adiposity, high blood glucose, and physical inactivity increased; and excessive alcohol consumption and current use of smoking/smokeless tobacco decreased with income, education, and social caste. However, no significant income gradient was noted for lifestyle risk factors except the use of smokeless tobacco. The income gradient was largest for central adiposity (waist-circumference) with a difference of 23.4 percentage points as it increased from 38.7% among the poorest to 62.1% among the richest. The major burden of CVDs risk factors among older adults aged 45+ years falls among high SES.

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