
Mining activities in Aravali hills had played a vital role in industrial growth of the Haryana state but these are also responsible to affect the environment and social life of the community located nearby the area. Present study carried out through special questionnaire consisting of selective parameters such as type of houses, source of water, sanitary facilities, source of income, source of energy, asset, communication services and educational status etc. This elicited from 326 residents of surrounding villages of mining areas situated in Aravalli hills explaining the socio-economic status of the local people after the closure of mining activities for 13 years. The finding shows both positive and negative impact of closure of mining activities. The positive impacts found as reduction in environmental degradation, health and education improvement, while the negative impact observed on income stability, employment, migration etc. Taking into consideration these impacts, government and regional organizations should take possible steps to overcome this major problem of the district.


  • Beginning of mining and its termination contributes towards both positive and negative effect the socioeconomic status of the people living in the mining areas and its surroundings

  • The socio-economic impact of closure of mining activities are the issue that is captured in the mine legislation, are increasingly including in the mine closure procedures and plans of leading mining companies4, 8, 9, . 10,22 Change in Social and economic variables are the two major aspects that concertize this survey

  • This study provides new insights because generally economy heavily depends upon mining activities and it decline after the closure of mining activities

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Beginning of mining and its termination contributes towards both positive and negative effect the socioeconomic status of the people living in the mining areas and its surroundings. After the closure of mining activities most of the people moved from mining area to other areas and some of them opted other occupation due to the consequent decreasing economic status. Survey of the study depicts (Table 5) that the number of the people in Aravalli villages who have 2-5 acres are 47.23 % in 2002 which decreased to 30.89% in (2015) indicating that during mining activities people have more income and had more land.

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