
A study on the socio-economic, phenotypic, and technical features of Purgi goats in Kargil was undertaken. A total of 215 Purgi goat breeders from 8 villages were interviewed and 215 kids born between 2016 and 2018 were studied. The study revealed that Purgi goat farming under the study area is mainly practiced by poor farmers having an education level of middle to matric standard and belonging to the middle age group and scheduled tribe (Muslims) community. The average annual income (Lakhs) from goat farming, livestock rearing, agriculture, other sources and overall were 0.20±0.00, 0.32±0.02, 0.59±0.01, 0.59±0.01 and 1.40±0.02, respectively. Animals in small flocks are maintained semi-intensively. The predominant coat colour was black. The overall body weight (kg) was 1.08±0.04, 3.60±0.02, 5.83±0.03, 8.70±0.04, 10.58±0.06 and 13.46±0.14 at birth, weaning, 6, 9, 12 and 24 months. The least-squares means (cm) for body measurements, viz. height at withers (BH), body length (BL), heart girth (HG), and paunch girth (PG) at birth to yearling age were 58.87±0.03, 76.45±0.03, 71.21±0.05 and 74.22±0.12 cm, respectively. The age at first estrus, weight at first estrus, age at first service (AFS), weight at first service (WFS), age at first lambing (AFL), gestation period (GP), and inter kidding interval (KI) were 310.39±3.82 days, 74.22±0.12 (kg), 332.56±3.00 (days), 12.71±0.05 (kg), 513.06±2.36 (days), 149.93±0.11 (days) and 288.16±2.98 (days), respectively. It can be concluded that the Purgi goat is a unique, dwarf, and very important genetic resource of the country and it should be characterized and conserved for further improvements.

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