
The study surveyed the edible forest insect consumed in two Local Government areas of Lagos States, Nigeria. It also identified the socio-economic profile of the edible insect marketers, harvesting, processing and preservation techniques, seasonality, uses of insects, marketability and profitability of edible forest insect business. A total of One Hundred (100) copies of questionnaires were administered and data collected were analyzed using descriptive methods. The results were presented using bar chart, pie chart and tables. Survey results revealed that 80.61% of the respondents are married with majority falling within the age range of 25 and 35 years. Sixty-Five percent of the respondent had at least primary school education while 29.6% had no formal education. Most of the respondents (42.8%) engage in trading as their main occupation. The only commercially prevalent edible insect is the Ralphia palm beetle grub ( Rhynchophorus phoenics ). 50-52% of the edible insect marketers source for the insect from  retailers while 30-35%  source for them by catching with traps. A profit of N101(60Cent) – N500 (3.00USD) was made by 57-59% of the respondent. 60-65% of the consumers get informed about edible insect in the market and from the farm. Majority of the respondent do not consume their edible insects raw. Their processing methods range from roasting, frying and boiling. The people of this area use their edible forest insect mainly as an alternative to meat while about 20-25% uses it in treating ailment. Indications from the survey shows that since the business of edible insects requires little capital investment, time and is easy to master and a fast revenue generator; it should therefore be seriously considered in food security and poverty alleviation strategies in Nigeria.

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