
In order to explore the association between socio‐demographic characteristics of the family and sedentary behaviors in their schoolchildren a cross‐sectional study was conducted; that included 192 children of both sexes aged 5‐12 years randomly selected from public elementary school of Arandas Jalisco during May 2010 to May 2011. There was explored the bivariate association between behaviors related to physical activity and sedentary lifestyle and socio‐demographic variables. Those associations that were significant (p <0.05), or with a tendency for significance (p <0.2) were included in a logistic regression model adjusted by sex, Body Mass Index, and income. Table1. Logistic regression of active and sedentary behaviors of children and socio‐demographic characteristics of families Variables Crude OR CI 95% p Adjusted OR CI 95% p Practice of physical activity, exercise or sport (yes vs not) Number of persons per room1 5.8 2.2‐15.1 <0.001 6.1 2.2‐17.3 0.001 Sex2 2.98 1.5‐6.0 0.002 3.0 1.4‐6.7 0.005 Transpotation to school (Active vs motorized) Income3 2.8 1.2‐6.9 0.019 3.1 1.3‐7.7 0.013 Father´s occupation4 4.7 1.03‐20.9 0.030 5.1 1.1‐23.3 0.034 Television viewing (≤2 vs >2 h/d) Family composition5 2.4 1.0‐5.5 0.046 2.7 1.1‐6.6 0.030 Outdoor playing (5‐7 vs 0‐2 times per week) Father´s job situation6 2.7 1.2‐5.9 0.016 2.9 1.1‐8.1 0.038 1<3 vs ≥3; 2Male vs Female; 3 <2 vs ≥2 per capita daily USD; 4Mason/peasant vs Others; 5Composed, extended or other vs Nuclear; 6Temporary vs Permanent. All characteristics of low socioeconomic status (lower income, low education, occupation and temporary job of fathers) were associated to active behaviors of children.

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