
Social existence of marginalized communities is a well addressed issue in Pakistan. Marginalized communities attracted attention from different walks of life. Their social status and problems have been given voice by, both, academia and media. Most of the literature produced in this regard maintains a particular tone that presents the picture of ‘marginalized’ surrounded in the social difficulties, economics insignificance and political deprivation. This kind of treatment has kept the discussion in narrow binaries in which society, as a whole, has been held responsible for the plight of minorities and marginalized groups and communities. This narration, in which society is held responsible and culprit, has not been questioned and potentially challenged in Pakistan. Existing literatures not only contains reductionist point of views but also lacks a pure socio-cultural analysis. It is also because of the fact that academic treatment of any socio-cultural aspects requires something more than mere relying on the ethnographic details. It deserves a rigorous methodological treatment besides a sound theoretical understanding. Women, transgender, menials, linguistics and sectarian minorities etc. constitute ‘marginalized’ in Pakistan.

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