
CHERVINSKA Inna – PhD (Education), Associate Professor of Primary Education Pedagogy Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine E-mail address: inna.chervinska@pnu.edu.ua ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0745-1413 CHERVINSKYI Andriy – PhD (History), Lecture of Geography and Natural Sciences Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine E-mail address: andrio2323@gmail.com ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0745-1413 To cite this article: Chervinska, I., & Chervinskyi, A. (2020). Socio-cultural educational environment of the Ukrainian Carpathian region as a subject of interdisciplinary discourse. Human Studies. Series of Pedagogy , 10/42, 101‒112. doi: https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.10/42.198817 Article history Received: January 27, 2020 Received in revised form: March 3, 2020 Accepted: March 11, 2020 Available online: April 28, 2020 Journal homepage: http://lssp.dspu.edu.ua/ p-ISSN 2313-2094 e-ISSN 2413-2039 © 2020 The Authors. Human studies. Series of Pedagogy published by Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University & Open Journal Systems. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ ). The article methodologically justifies and determines the educational potential of the socio-cultural environment of the Ukrainian Carpathian region in the process of interdisciplinary discourse that is relevant in the context of educational and socio-cultural research. The essence of sociocultural environment as one of the environment formation components of a certain region is described. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of socio-cultural environment of the educational institutions in the Ukrainian Carpathians region as a subject of interdisciplinary discourse in the context of ensuring Ukrainian regions sustainable development. The socio-economic, socio-cultural, educational and environmental problems of educational establishments and the psycho-pedagogical and socio-cultural conditions of their formation are distinguished. Sociological methods, content analysis of scientific publications, methods of system analysis, synthesis, and scientific abstraction were used in the research. The scientific reflection of the research is aimed at understanding how the authentic heritage of regional culture determine the real state and dynamics of culture and education environment development of this unique in all features and characteristics area. The authors present the interpretation of the region characteristics as a component of the socio-cultural environment, which determines the scientific and philosophical knowledge and modern interpretation of this multifaceted phenomenon. They reveal the essence of interdisciplinary discourse on the formation of Ukrainian Carpathian region socio-cultural environment, point to the peculiarities of the Ukraine regions as relatively independent units, formed on the basis and due to the interaction of territorial and natural conditions, common history, culture and language, demographic, social and economic indicators. A successful solution of the problems facing the society requires the analysis of the basic components of a long-term process formation of a certain region socio-cultural environment in order to determine the promising directions of its further sustainable development. The subject of the interdisciplinary scientific discourse is the Ukrainian Carpathians region. The formation of its cultural and educational environment is based on historically accumulated rich ethno-cultural experience, a unique originality of the cultural heritage and ancient traditions, the achievements of the national pedagogy. It has been determined that in modern humanities the category of environment acquires the character of a metaphor, by means of which various spaces and environments are described, both in physical extent and in its mental or virtual essence. For successful solution of mentioned problems, the strategic goal of these territories development must be creation of effective educational and socio-cultural life support systems that will be able to contribute to their sustainable development. The authors emphasize that the definition of “environment” is the most suitable for describing phenomena that have qualitative characteristics of extent, meaningfulness and representation. The main problems and prospects of preserving the identity of the region are revealed. Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to the management and staff of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, the State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk Region, I. Franko Regional Universal Scientific Library in Ivano-Frankivsk for their help in compiling and systematizing materials on the investigated problem. Funding. The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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