
The article is devoted to the problem of resolving environmental incidents of various origins, building an effective crisis management model. The article examines the analysis of crisis communications, subjects of environmental communications, sources of information dissemination, response tools. Target. Formation of a successful practice of overcoming the environmental crisis based on the development of an effective communication strategy and action model. Methodology. In the course of the research, in order to form a theoretical base, the author turned to the works of Russian and foreign researchers studying the issues of social and communicative technologies, crisis communications. In the practical part, materials from the mass media, information from state bodies, and the author’s own experience in resolving crisis situations were used. To draw conclusions, strategies and actions in three different categories of environmental crises were evaluated and the results they led to. Results. Issues of environmental protection and the quality of ecology are increasingly of concern to citizens, they quickly move from social to political. The ability to competently respond to overcoming environmental crises, minimizing their consequences can not only maintain the official position of a representative of state authorities and business stability, but also ensure social stability in society and trust in management institutions.

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