
The main objective of this paper is to present an international research project disHBSC („Health Behaviour in School Aged Children with disabilities“), which a methodology is based on international research of lifestyle of school-aged children. The aim of the new study is to deepen the understanding of health and health-related behavior among disabled school-aged children. Our interest is focused on children with the most common types of disadvantage in the population: children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical and mental disabilities, children with oncological disease and children with chronic diseases, which are often eliminated from the researches. Presented will be the development of protocol and research methodology modified specifically for the selected group of Czech and Slovak disabled school-aged children. It will be also described process and first outcomes of the pilot study specifically focused on two selected groups of disadvantages: intellectual disability (mental retardation) and oncological desease. Working group preparing documents for international research disHBSC includes under the coordination of the research team of the Faculty of Medicine, University of PJ Safarik in Kosice mainly partners of the Faculty of Physical Culture Palacky University in Olomouc, in collaboration with Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty in Olomouc and partners Faculty of Education in Bratislava with the support of WHO office in Bratislava. The achievement of the objectives of the project can be sustained contribution in scientific research and knowledge and also in the health promotion of the target population of adolescents with disabilities.

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