
Prof. V.V. Miloslavsky. On the issue of training doctors in sanitary-prophylactic affairs. Analyzing the causes of the current crisis in sanitary organization, the speaker came to the following conclusions. 1. We do not have a specific cadre of sanitary workers and are forced to often fill the ranks of sanitation with random material. 2. The crisis of sanitary organization depends primarily on the fact that the medical faculty cannot, within the limits of its curriculum, give two guidelines to future doctors the setting of prevention and the doctor, since an in-depth study of preventive disciplines requires special training. 3. More than 1/3 of the time according to the curriculum of the medical faculty is devoted to clinical subjects, and only 1/10 to prophylactic subjects. There is little reason for a young doctor to turn from a medical to a preventive path, especially since the student will not actually give this tithe to prevention, and, on the contrary, devotes much more time to clinics than is indicated in the curriculum. In the proposed curriculum of the professional faculty, 1/10 of the preventive disciplines is also allocated, the same is allocated to the clinic, but a number of disciplines are introduced that help to better assimilate the preventive sciences and, of course, this 1/10 will be fully used. The lack of practical training in preventive disciplines will be filled up during the 6th year internship. 4. The only correct solution to the problem of training a cadre of sanitary and professional workers is to organize a preventive faculty with a special program that has the task of developing a preventive doctor, from the 1st year of training to accustom him to preventive thinking, equip him with all the knowledge to achieve a single goal of improving the team's health - Debate: doctors Mendelssohn, Trotsky, Schwartz, Mukhamedyarov, Mekhonoshin, Kondakov and prof. Gran.

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