
This research aimed to gain the information on criteria and characteristics of Islamic Society, the process of forming an Islamic community, agent of change in the community and the involvement of agent of change in building the Islamic Society. Method of this research was a qualitative study with interviewing the key informants at village with using the semi-structure questionnaire. Cipinang Muara village is in East Jakarta City in DKI Jakarta, one of village who have many religious leaders that having a lot of program or activities to educate the society member, maintain religious values such as values of truth, justice, attitude, and Islamic behaviour. The Islamic society who lives in this village, always remind to obey to Allah SWT and the majesty of Rasulullah SAW. They live in high tolerance, respect, and harmonize. To build this Islamic society, the community member requires time and support from many parties, build cooperation between people and government body, and maintain the relationship and also need leadership from community leaders and religious leaders. There were many activities that conducted to get the main outputs of building the Islamic Society, improve the capacity of agent of change, and having other outcome on improving the healthy life dan being entrepreneur.

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