
PARIS.Academy of Sciences, August i3.-M. Paul Appell. in the chair.-G. Humbert: The reduction (mod 2) of quadratic binary forms.-C. Richet and H. Cardot: A new method of determining the reducing substances in urine. The diluted urine is allowed to act upon an acidified solution of potassium permanganate under conditions such that the urea is not oxidised. A man- ganese coefficient for norma urine is established, and this is shown to be independent of the total urea excreted.-E. Cahen: The series of best absolute approximation for a number.-L. Picart: The total eclipse of the moon of July 4, 1917. Observations made at the Bordeaux-Floirac Observatory showed that during the whole period of total eclipse theY north edge of the moon was more luminous than the south edge; the western edge was more luminous up to the middle of the eclipse.-G. Sizes: The German gamma termed “ harmonic,” or “ exact,” or improperly modern, from the point of view of musical acoustics. P. Portier The physiological role of symbiotic micro-organisms.- MM. Abelous and Aloy: The biochemical phenomena of. oxido-reduction. Repeating the experiments of Bach on the ferment in milk, it was found that a large number of substances besides aldehydes may act as co-ferments, such as amines, terpenes, and manganese salts. Details are given of the simultaneous reduction of sodium chlorate and oxidation of salicylic aldehyde. -Mme. C. Cardot and H. Cardot: The analogy be-tween the lactic ferments and streptococci from the point of view of the action of disinfectants. The growths of the lactic bacillus and streptococcus under the action of increasing amounts of two antiseptics, sodium fluoride and phenol, were compared. The curves expressing the results of the experiments show close agreement, and the authors conclude that laws established for a non-pathogenic bacillus, such as the lactic ferment, may be applied to pathogenic organisms.

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