
PARIS. Academy of Sciences, September 10.—M. Paul Appell in the chair.-H. Le Chatelier and E. L. Dupuy: The heterogeneity of steels. A modification of Stead's etching reagent is suggested, with full details of use. The macroscopic structure is well brought out by this reagent.—P. Termier: The posthumous notes of Albert Cochain.—H. Duport: Orthogonal systems.—P. Humbert: The piriform surface.—M. Frechet: The notion of neighbourhood in abstract ensembles.—L. Launoy: The delicacy of the general method of extracting alkaloids from water. Working on 200 c.c. of solution, making alkaline with sodium carbonate, and with chloroform as the extracting solvent, 0.0001 gram of alkaloid (7 in 2,000,000) can be detected. With aconitine one-half of this proportion has been detected.—M. Travers: A new volumetric method for the estimation of molybdenum and vanadium in stee's. The molybdic acid is reduced with titanous chloride, the excess being determined by means of a ferric salt in the usual way. The same reagent is applied to the estimation of vanadium.—L. Gentil and L. Joleaud: The existence of transported strata in the region of Bizerte (Tunis).—M. Baudouin: The wisdom tooth, which varies with the nature of the food, is not tending to disappear.—P. Wintrebert: The automatism of the first movements of the body in Scyllium canicula.—H. J. Hamburger and D. J. de Waard: The influence of radio-active substances on the permeability of the kidneys to glycose. The retention of some glycose in the kidney has been found to depend on the presence of small proportions of potassium salts. In the absence of a salt of potassium, under the conditions of the experiment, no glycose is retained by the kidney. As potassium is the only radio-active element normally present in the body fluids, other radio-active substances were tried in the place of the potassium. It was found that uranium nitrate, radium bromide, and mesothorium could replace the potassium, if the strengths of the solutions were correctly adjusted.-F.. d'Herelle: An invisible microorganism antagonistic to the dysenteric bacilli.—A. Lnmiere: The use of iodide of starch in the treatment of infected wounds. In the treatment of infected wounds the problem is to find a substance which, sufficiently stable and active, must not be immediately destroyed by the tissues, and of which the action ought to persist for several hours, or even days. Iodide of starch appears to meet all these requirements, and in the strengths suggested is not an irritant.—J. Danysz: The origin of the specific affinities between pathogenic microbial products and the animal organism

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