
LONDONzoological Society, November 7.-Prof. Newton, F.R.S., vice-president, in the chair. The secretary read a report on the additions that had been made to the society's menagerie during the months of June, July, August, and September 1871, amongst which were specimens of the Tamandua Ant-eater (Tamandua tetradactyld), Baird's Tapir{Tafih-us bairdi), and several other animals of special interest.-A communication was read from Mr. Gerard Krefft, Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W., containing notes on a rare Ziphioid Whale, which had been stranded near Sydney, and which appeared to be referable to Ziphws layardi.-Mr. Gould exhibited and characterised a small but lovely Fruit Pigeon from the Fiji Islands, which he proposed to name Chrysana victor.-Mr. Sclater called attention to the supposed existence of an undescribed animal, of about the size of a Dingo, in the Rockingham Bay district of Queensland, and read a letter addressed to him by Mr. Brinsley G. Sheridan, containing particulars on this subject.-Dr. John Anderson, of Calcutta, communicated a description of a short tailed Macaque from Upper Burmah, supposed to be new, which he proposed to call Macacus brunnens.-A communication was read from the Viscount Walden on a new and interesting Falconine Bird, of the genus Polihierax, recently obtained by Major Lloyd, in the vicinity of Tongoo, Upper Burmah, and proposed to be called Polihierax insignis.-Mr. W. H. Flower, F.R.S., read a memoir on the recent Ziphioid Whales, among which he proposed to recognise the following generic types:-Hyfleroodo7i, Zipkius, Mesofilodon, and Berard'ms. This was followed by a description of the skeleton of Berardius arnouxii, founded on a specimen lately transmitted to the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons from New Zealand by Dr. J. Haast, F.R.S.-Mr. Plerbert Taylor Usher read some notes on the habits of the Horned Viper (Vipera nasicornis), as observed by him in the vicinity of Cape Coast Castle, Western Africa.-Prof. Newton read a notice of a remarkable peculiarity which he had recently discovered in an Australian duck, Anas fltmctata, viz., that in this species the osseous development of the lower trachea was common to both sexes.-A paper by Dr. J. C. Cox, of Sydney, was read, describing a new Volute and twelve new species of Land Shells from Australia and the Solomon Islands.-A communication was read from Surgeon Francis Day, Inspector-General of Fisheries of British India, containing some remarks on the identification of certain species of Indian Fishes.-Mr. P. L. Sclater, F.R. S., read some notes on Pelicans, being supplementary to a previous paper on the same subject read at a meeting of the society in May, 1868.-A communication was read from Mr. J. Brazier, of Sydney, containing descriptions of eight new Australian Land Shells.-Prof. Newton communicated a paper by Dr. J. Murie, containing supplementary notes concerning the powder-down patches of Rhinochetus jubatus.

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