
LONDON. Zoological Society, April 27.—Prof. E. A. Minchin, vice-president, in the chair.—Mrs. R. Haig Thomas: White-collar Mendelising in hybrid pheasants. The paper was based on an examination of the relative numbers of dark-necked and ringed male pheasants shot during two seasons. The data collected were interpreted as providing evidence of the continual Mendelising which occurred in the collar of hybrid birds.—E. G. Boulenger: Two new species of tree-frogs from Sierra Leone.—E. Heron-Allen and A. Earland: Foraminifera of the Kerimba Archipelago, Portuguese East Africa. Part ii. The contents of this part were chiefly systematic, more than 470 species and varieties being dealt with, of which thirty-two are new to science.

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