
LONDONMathematical Society, November 8.—Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., president, in the chair.—The following were elected to form the Council during the session:—President: Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Vice-Presidents: Prof. J. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S., Mr. C. W. Merrifield, F.R.S., Prof. H. J. S. Smith, F.R.S. Treasurer, Mr. S. Roberts. Hon. Secretaries: Messrs. M. Jenkins and R. Tucker. Other members, Prof. Cayley, F.R.S., Mr. T. Cotterill, Mr. J. W. L. Glaisher, F.R.S., Mr. H. Hart, Dr. Henrici, F.R.S., Dr. Hirst, F.R.S., Mr. Kempe, Dr. Spottiswoode, F.R.S., Mr. J. J. Walker.—Prof. Cayley made two communications, on the function φ(x) = (ax + b)/(ex + d) (a singularly neat expression was got for φn (x), the late Mr. Babbage had considered the matter in 1813), and on the theta functions.—Mr. Tucker read a portion of a paper by Mr. Hugh MacColl (communicated by Prof. Crofton, F.R.S.) entitled the calculus of equivalent statements. A short account of this analytical method has been given in the July and November numbers (1877) of the Educational Times, under the name of Symbolical Language. The chief use at present made of it is to determine the new limits of integration when we change the order of integration or the variables in a multiple integral, and also to determine the limits of integration in questions relating to probability. This object, the writer asserts, it will accomplish with perfect certainty, and by a process almost as simple and mechanical as the ordinary operations of elementary algebra.—The president read a paper on progressive waves. It has often been remarked that when a group of waves advance into still water the velocity of the group is less than that of the individual waves of which it is composed; the waves appear to advance through the group, dying away as they approach its anterior limit. This phenomenon seems to have been first explained by Prof. Stokes, who regarded the group as formed by the superposition of two infinite trains of waves of equal amplitudes and of nearly equal wave-lengths advancing in the same direction. The writer's attention was called to the subject about two years since by Mr. Froude, and the same explanation then occurred to him independently. In his work on “The Theory of Sound” (§191), he has considered the question more generally. In a paper read at the Plymouth meeting of the British Association (afterwards printed in NATURE), Prof. Osborne Reynolds gave a dynamical explanation of the fact that a group of deep-water waves advances with only half the rapidity of the individual waves. Another phenomenon (also mentioned to the author by Mr. Froude) was also discussed as admitting of a similar explanation to that given in the present paper. A steam launch moving quickly through the water is accompanied by a peculiar system of diverging waves, of which the most striking feature is the obliquity of the line containing the greatest elevation of successive waves to the wave-fronts. This wave-pattern may be explained by the superposition of two (or more) infinite trains of waves, of slightly differing wave-lengths, whose direction and velocity of propagation are so related in each case that there is no change of position relatively to the boat. The mode of composition will be best understood by drawing on paper two sets of parallel and equidistant lines, subject to the above conditions, to represent the crests of the component trains. In the case of two trains of slightly different wave-lengths, it may be proved that the tangent of the angle between the line of maxima and the wave-fronts is half the tangent of the angle between the wave-fronts and the boat's course.—Prof. Clifford, F.R.S., communicated three notes, (1) On the triple generation of three-bar curves. if one of the three-bar systems is a crossed rhomboid, the other two are kites. This, follows from the known fact that the path of the moving point in both these cases is the inverse of a conic. But it is also intuitively obvious as soon as the figure is drawn, and thus supplies an elementary proof that the pith is the inverse of a conic in the case of a kite, which is not otherwise easy to get. (2) On the mass-centre of an octahedron. The construction was suggested by Dr. Sylvester's construction for the mass centre of a tetrahedral frustum. (3) On vortex-motion. The problem solved by Stokes as a general question of analysis, and subsequently by Helmholtz for the special case of fluid motion may be stated as follows: given the expansion and the rotation at every point of a moving substance, it is required to find the velocity at every point. The solution was exhibited in a very simple form.

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