
PARIS Academy of Sciences, August 18.—M. Daubree in the chair.—The following papers were read:—On the meridian observations of the minor planets, made at Greenwich and Paris during the second quarter of 1879, by M. Mouchez.—Mr. J. A. Serret presented to the Academy the eighth volume of the works of Lagrange, entitled “Traité de la Resolution des Equations numeriques de tous les Degrés, avec des Notes sur plusieurs Points de la Théorie des Equations algébriques.”—M. Milne-Edwards presented the complement of the thirteenth volume of his —Leçons sur la Physiologie et G Anatomic comparées de l'Homme et des Animaux.”—Reply by M. Berthelot to M. Wurtz's observations on hydrate of chloral.—On the phenomena of secreting irritation which are apparent in rabbits under the influence of faradisation of the tympanum, by MM. Vulpian and Journiac.—Table of numbers of invariant derivatives of given order and degree, belonging to the binary form of the second order, by Prof. Sylvester.—Methods of graphic calculus; employment of these methods for the revision of projects bearing on the development of the network of French railways, by M. L. Lalanne.—On irrigations and the sulphide of carbon, by M, Mabegue.—On the submersion of vines as a remedy against phylloxera, by M. Faucon.—M. Davin made a communication on the same subject.—The President then stated to the meeting that M. Janssen had been designated to represent the Academy at the inauguration of the statue of Frangois Arago at Perpignan.—The second volume of the “Correspondance politique de Frédéric le Grand” was presented to the Academy by the Berlin Academy of Sciences.—On the integration of irrationals of the second degree, by M. Alexeeff.—Observations on M. Aoust's note on the movement of a straight line in a plane, by M. Ed. Habich.—On atmospheric waves and the monthly lunar equation, by M. Bouquet de la Grye.—On the scintillation of coal-gas flames, by M. F. A. Forel.—On the absorption of nitric oxide by the proto-salts of iron.—On the reaction of chloride of zinc on normal butylic alcohol, by MM. Le Bel and Greene.—Thermal researches on nitroglycerine, by M. H. Boutmy.—On the tenor of urea in urines, by M. G. Esbach.—On the elimination of bromine from brornocitraconic acid, and on a new organic acid, by M. E. Bourgoin.—On scandium, by M. P. Cleve.—On the oxy-acids of sulphur, by M. Maumene.—On the composition of slate, by the same.—Note on a means of preventing inundations, by M. A. Sarrand.—On a peculiarity apparent in Jupiter and its satellites, by M. E. Gand.

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