
PARIS. Academy of Sciences, August 25.—M. Léon Guignard in the chair.—A. Lacroix: Report on the creation of an international council of scientific research by the Conference of the Allied and Associated Academies held at Brussels, July 18–28 last.—G. Humbert: The representations of an integer by positive forms of Hermite in an imaginary quadratic body.—G. Bigonrdan: The work of La Caille, particularly at the observatory of the Mazarin College.—N. E. Norlund: An equation of finite differences.—P. Lévy: The notion of the mean in the functional domain.—Ch. Platrier: Interior forces in an isotropic homogeneous body in elastic equilibrium.—B. Baillaud (telegrams): Two discoveries of comets, one by Metcalf at Harvard Observatory, the other by Borrelly at Marseilles.—M. Giacobini: Observations of the Metcalf and Kopff comets made at the Paris Observatory with the east tower equatorial of 40 cm. aperture.—P. CKofardet: Observations of the Kqpff periodic comet and the Metcalf comet (1919b) made with the bent equatorial at the Besangon Observatory.—Ch. Maugin and L. J. Simon: The preparation of cyanogen chloride by Held's method. Cyanogen chloride can be prepared by the action of chlorine upon the double cyanide of sodium and zinc in nearly quantitative yield.—Ch. Pussenot: Remarks on a recent submersion of the coasts of Morbihan.—A. Guébhard: The prism formation of basalt.—P. Parmentier: Irrigation in Syria and Palestine. A new method of applying, water directly to the roots is suggested in the place of the usual methods of irrigation or surface watering. Great economy in water (85 per cent.) is claimed for the method.—Em. De. Wildeman: Macaranga socctfera. A discussion of the relation of this plant with ants.—A. Paillot: Karyo-kynetosis: a new reaction of natural immunity observed in the caterpillars of the Macrolepidoptera.

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