
LONDONLinnean Society, March 5.—Special General Meeting, G. Busk F.R.S., vice-president, in the chair. After the chnirman had, in a short conciliatoryaddres?, stated the reasons which had induced the Council to summon the present meeting, he called on Mr. W. Canuthers, F.R.S., who moved “That a Committee be appointed to consider the Bye-laws and to suggest to the Council such alterations, omissions, or additions as they may think desirable.” The motion having been seconded by Mr. W. S. Dallas, Major-General Strachey, F.R.S., moved as an amendment, which was seconded by Mr. C. J. Breese, “That, inasmuch as it appears that there are differences of opinion in the Society as to the legality of the alterations of the Bye-laws made at the meeting of January 15 last:—(I) This meeting, retaining complete confidence in the President and Council of the Society, requests them to obtain the opinion of some legal authority, whether these alterations are legally binding on the Society or not; (2) That if the opinion be that the said alterations are legally binding, no further steps be taken in reference to them; (3) That if the opinion, be that the said alterations, or any of them, are not legally binding, the Council be requested to take the necessary proceedings lor setting aside the vote of January 15.”—A second amendment was moved by Mr. J. E. Harting; —“That the case having been already submitted to Council, the opinion thereon be read for the information of the meeting.” After much discussion, in which Sir John Lubbock, Dr. Thos. Thomson, Dr. Trimen, Prof. Thiselton-Dyer, Mr. H. G. Seeley, and others took part, Mr. Harting's amendment was withdrawn, and thevote taken on Major-General Strachey's amendment, which was carried, and was afterwards adopted as a substantive resolution.—Sir John Lubbock, Bart, F.R.S. then moved and Mr. W. Carruthers, F.R.S. seconded a resolution expressive of the high sense entertained by the meeting of the eminent services both to the Society and to Science rendered by the President during his long tenure of the chair, which was carried unanimously by acclamation; and the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.

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