
LONDON. Geological Society, January 4.—Dr. J. E. Marr, F.R.S., president, in the chair.—The marine beds in the Coal-measures of North Staffordshire: J. T. Stobbs, with notes on their palæontology by Dr. Wheelton Hind. The stratigraphical position of the marine beds can be located with exactness in situ. The horizons can be utilised for the subdivision of the Coal-measures. The known horizons at which marine fossils have been obtained were enumerated, and a map of the distribution of these beds was given. The Speedwell and Nettlebank bed appears to be the most important marine bed in the coalfield. A detailed table of the beds in North Staffordshire was given to show the exact position of the marine beds. Dr. Hind, in his notes on the palæontology, remarked that from the base of the Pendleside series to the top of the Coal-measures there is an unbroken succession of beds—at one time marine, at another estuarine, without unconformity.—The geology of Cyprus: C. V. Bellamy, with contributions by A. J. Jukes-Browne. The Kyrenia Mountains rise to heights of more than 3000 feet. They are composed of rocks tilted into a vertical position, altered by compression and intrusion, and are devoid of fossils. They are referred by Prof. Gaudry to the Cretaceous period, and are compared by him with the hippuritelimestones of Attica. The Kythræan rocks (Upper Eocene) are based on breccias and conglomerates made up of fragments of the Trypanian limestones. No fossils, except a few small tests of Globigerina, have been found in this series, which consists entirely of volcanic débris. The Idalian (Oligocene) series appears to rest conformably on the last. The gypsum-beds are largely developed in the south; the white chalky marls and limestones extend over nearly one-half of the island, and are always conspicuous from their intense whiteness. Foraminifera are abundant, and other fossils have been found which indicate that the beds are mainly of Oligocene age. Igneous rocks are most conspicuous in the centre of the island. They are intrusive into the formations already mentioned. The rocks include augite-syenite, rhyolite, liparite, olivinedolerite, basalt, augite, and several varieties of serpentine. Miocene rocks have only been recognised in the south-east of the island. The Pliocene strata lie in horizontal or slightly inclined beds, resting unconformably upon all older rocks. The Pleistocene rocks sometimes, attain a thickness of 50 feet. The cave-earths have yielded Hippopotamus minutus and Elephas Cypriotes to Miss D. M. Bate. An account of the chief economic mineral products of the island is given. Descriptions of some of the rocks, a note on the Miocene rocks, and a sketch of the physical history of the island are contributed by Mr. Jukes-Browne.

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